Sunday, October 12, 2008

Party Time, Excellent

So, I'm a little bummed, what with the upcoming holiday I'm gonna have to miss. I was hoping to get this big group of friends together, do inane things and eat food that we'd regret later (and probably drink things we'd regret later, too). And now, after months of buildup, I can't do it. OF course, I found out about this a while ago, but now that I see the originally proposed date drawing near, it's just depressing.

What's a guy gotta do for an End of the World party around here?

If you haven't guessed already, we're nine days away from the proposed firing date for the Large Hadron Collider, which would have been nerve-wrackingly awesome had they not had a SINGLE FAULTY CONNECTION out of 10,000 soldered wires. I mean damn, man. 1 bad connection and the cooling unit blows, and now we have to wait til the summer for electricity prices to drop enough for the damn thing to be supercooled to the proper temperature (or lack thereof) for the thing to fire.

What the hell. Maybe I'll have a Hey, The World Didn't End Yet party. And we'll all sit around, thinking about how we definately should go to work tomorrow, because we're gonna need cash to prepare for the enivitable total economic collapse we're about to ride through.

Ooh. And then we can have a Hey, That Sucked How The US Suddenly Became A Third World Country party. Or an underground Viva La Revolution party. Or a Socialist party.

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