Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Careful What You Wish For

So I'm getting my End Of The World Party after all. Tonight, I'll be celebrating the facade of a democratic election by the people with my friends, and we shall make merry as we watch the electoral votes be tallied. We're supporting Obama tonight, as we have through the course of the election, but my friends, let me tell you one thing about this election: however things go, this is the end of the world as we know it.

We are entering a new era for the United States, whether Palin - sorry, McCain - wins, or Obama. The Republicans seem to have taken their bag of tricks and honed it to an unprecedented destructive potential by even placing Palin near an office in the main 48, not to mention the unfortunate (for everyone, it seems) potential for McCain to not survive his term were he to win. Where with Obama's stance on gun control, I fear the underground market will continue to thrive, expanding now to half the country's population - perhaps even normally law-abiding, god-fearing citizens - through either fear of armed criminals or simply stubbornness to cling to the 2nd amendment (the most important one, through Charlton Heston-tinted glasses).

Regardless, these trying times are far from over. So tonight, let's get out and vote, my American friends and readers (for those of you who live in the rest of the world, may your country have the good luck not to be too closely involved with ours in the future), for whichever side you favor. But however our opinions divide us, let us always remember that we are still in this together. Tomorrow, we will wake up and face a new future. Together. As Americans, as nations, and most importantly, as humans.