Saturday, December 1, 2007

First P0st!!!1!

Hmm... The first entry, eh? Where to begin? This is always the most daunting part of a blog for me - I never have any idea what the devil I want to say to you people. I only know that it's either this or about twenty pages of reports and speeches for school, and I think we all know the choice is obvious.

Well, hell, let's be unorthodox. What's the best place to start? The beginning?
Fuck that.
Let's open things up and break the ice with a bit about the end.

Show of hands, who thinks when the world is getting ready to end, the son of the head honcho of the universe is gonna show up and make all the good boys and girls who got presents at Christmas and said their prayers at night go *poof* and leave the poor sods who believed in different deities to fight it out on a suddenly crusader-less world with the Antichrist?

...No one? At all? I wonder why.

How about fire and brimstone? Nuclear fallout? Black holes and aliens? Arnold Schwarzenegger?
What will bring about the end of the world? Will mankind be lost to the void in one fell swoop? Should we even bother getting wrapped up in this season of Grey's Anatomy, or will we not last long enough to watch all the episodes waiting in our TiVos?

Personally, I'm not very religious. However, I tend to side with the polytheistics, the agnostics, and the vikings. Yes, you read it correctly. The vikings. You know, horned helmets, huge metal weapons, heavy furs and cold weather. Leif Erikson Day.

For such a bloodthirsty people of warriors, they certainly had a pleasant view of the world. True, towards the end all the creatures of darkness swarm cross the planet and do battle with the gods and deceased warriors from Valhalla in the battle of Ragnarök, which results in the deaths of nearly all the gods. But a select few rise from the ashes to usher in a new era of mankind, and they form a peaceful society which has learned from the many past mistakes of their culture(s).

I think that suits me pretty well. When the final nuclear holocaust comes, and humans have to deal with their own demons, someone should be able to outlast the fallout, stand up and say "Well that sucked," and do it right the second time around.

Or not. Who knows? The survivors could be American. In which case they'd likely discover a tarnished set of McDonald's golden arches, assume they were left by the gods, and start a religion based on 'em.

And we'd deserve it.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I am happy you have a blog. Now I'll have something else to read when I'm bored.
Good luck, merry writer of the internet!